Meet Dr. Keshia Kamphuis
My purpose as a naturopathic doctor is to get to the bottom of why you feel the way you do. This means asking the right questions, and putting it all together to understand what is causing your concerns.
My Story
As a young adult, I struggled with various skin issues. This continued for many years, and I saw numerous specialists and doctors.
My initial hope that a simple cream would do the trick turned to disappointment when I was prescribed cream after cream, none of which really offered a solution. At times, the creams would help my skin clear up, only to have another skin rash appear somewhere else, or to have the same rash come back when I stopped the cream. The creams seemed to be a band-aid, but not a real fix.
I knew I needed to look deeper at what was underneath the surface causing my problems.

"I knew I needed to look deeper at what was underneath the surface causing my health problems."
Gratefully, I found my answer. I learned that my digestive complaints and hormonal imbalances were entirely at the root of my skin problems. I started to change the way I ate. I took a few simple herbs and nutrients that repaired my digestion and brought balance to my hormones. When I worked at it from that angle, I started to get better - not only in my skin, but also in how I felt.
This was a transformative experience for me in how I viewed medicine and health, and it ultimately led me to study naturopathic medicine. I love being a 'health detective' and figuring out the underlying factors that are contributing to health challenges. I also love the 'health educator / health coach / preventative' side of things, and how empowered people can feel when they know what they need to do.
My Approach
The most effective treatments are ones that balance the science with the art.
I love the technical, concrete world of the sciences. I also love the complexity of the body and how it works. These two passions lead me to finish a degree in Physiology, which was a great foundation for studying medicine. I also have a deep respect for the mind-body connection, and how our stress/thought/emotional patterns are inextricably linked to our physical health. When we can work on both fronts, the potential for recovery and getting better is even greater.
My approach is warm & non-judgmental. My goal is that you feel heard, and that we make a plan together that meets you where you are at.
Taking the time to hear your story is such a crucial part of what I do. And, it is actually one of my favourite parts of my job! You get to take the time you need to tell me your story, and then together we translate it into an actionable, effective health plan. I really value honesty on both of our parts. I want to hear from you about what treatments & tests you are open to, and which you aren't - there are always options! I will in turn be honest about how I can help you and what you can expect.
Your best health outcome comes through a team-based approach.
I have worked in family practices alongside MD's, ND's, midwives, psychologists and others, and I have found that patients get the most benefit from team health care. I value working with your family doctor, midwife, specialist or other health care provider, & can offer safe supports in conjunction with medications you may already be taking.
My Experience
In my 10+ years as an ND, I have worked with patients in a variety of clinical settings including integrative family medicine clinics, overseas community clinics, birth centres, alongside midwives & in my own private practice. This diverse background has given me a comfort treating a variety of conditions and a strong repertoire of skills & treatments to offer.
I. love working with people from all walks of life I also have a special interest in pre-pregnancy & prenatal health. My passion is to help women have healthy pregnancies & healthy babies! I have worked alongside midwives in Guatemala and Haiti, supported women in birth as a labour doula, and most recently have developed a new approach to help women get their body ready for a healthy pregnancy.

A little bit about me...
The Technical Stuff

In my free time, you'll find me taken up with a creative project - painting, refurbishing furniture, home decor, yard landscaping, gardening and more. I love jogging with my dog, hiking, writing, mountain trips, and board game night. My husband and I have two little kiddos who keep us on our toes, and are happy to call Red Deer, Alberta home.
I grew up on the prairies, moving multiple times between Alberta & Saskatchewan. I started my education at the University of Alberta, and later received a BSc. with High Honours in Physiology from the University of Saskatchewan in 2008. I went on to complete my naturopathic medical training in 2012 at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto. I am a licensed member in good standing with the College of Naturopthic Doctors of Alberta (CNDA), and am also a member of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND) and the Alberta Association of Naturopathic Doctors (AAND).